Domaine .PS : l’enregistrement, c’est maintenant !
En cette période pré-électorale, Namebay, à l'instar de ses confrères, auraient pu utiliser les vieilles rengaines marketing pour le lancement de l'extension .PS ! Hé bien non, nous ne mettrons…
En cette période pré-électorale, Namebay, à l'instar de ses confrères, auraient pu utiliser les vieilles rengaines marketing pour le lancement de l'extension .PS ! Hé bien non, nous ne mettrons…
There are now 25 registrations for new generic Top Level Domains one week into the three month application period ICANN has announced. However, this number does not necessarily represent the…
The Name Store Production environment will be taken offline on Thursday, February 16, 2012 EST for a scheduled maintenance. Date: Thursday, February 16, 2012 EST Time: 1800 hrs - 2000…
The Name Store Production environment will be taken offline on Saturday, January 21, 2012 EST (Sunday, January 22, 2012 UTC) for a scheduled maintenance. Date: Saturday, January 21, 2012 EST…
L'ouverture des noms de domaine sur internet, décidée en juin par l'organisme indépendant Icann, a été très critiquée par des experts jeudi au Congrès américain, au lendemain de l'avertissement d'un…
The .com/.net Production environment will be taken offline on Saturday, December 10, 2011 EST (Sunday, December 11, 2011 UTC) for a planned outage. Date: Saturday, December 10, 2011 EST (Sunday,…
On November 12th the Registry will be performing routine maintenance that will impact the .us, .tw, .travel, and .tel TLDs.. During this maintenance window we will be performing maintenance to…
On November 12th the Registry will be performing routine maintenance that will impact the .biz, .co, .cn, cnidn, and 4U SRS TLDs. During this maintenance window we will be performing…
ICM Registry, the company behind the .XXX top-level domain (TLD) officially closed its Sunrise A and Sunrise B periods at Noon EST yesterday with more than 80,000 applications for domain…
PIR is pleased to announce improvements to the .ORG production system, which will take place on 26 November 2011. These improvements have been introduced in the OT&E environment on 25…