.city – Local TLDs as an Opportunity for City Portals

One of the most frequently asked question when it comes to the discussion about a city top-level domain .city (such as .london, .berlin or .nyc) is what .city means to…

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dotBERLIN remporte le prix « eco internet award »

A la cérémonie de remise des Eco Award, mardi dernier, le 20 juin 2007, DotBerlin a reçu un prix spécial ("special award") par Eco, l'association des entreprises internet allemandes. .paris…

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.berlin – The Berliners’ identity in the Internet

Space has become very scarce in some Internet address ranges. There are now almost 11 million domains under the top-level domain .de which doesn't leave much space for sensible names.…

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dotBERLIN wins eco internet award

At the annual eco award ceremony last tuesday, 20th of June 2007, we have been given a "special award" by Eco - the association of the german internet enterprises. .paris…

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