dotMobi plans to expand in Africa

At the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) conference, dotMobi, the registrar for the .mobi domain, announced plans to expand a free membership scheme for developer platforms to Africa.

Speaking in front of Kenyan businesspeople present at the conference, representatives from dotMobi announced their plans to offer free membership to African developers, in order to expand their horizons. Currently, developers have to pay membership fees.

“There are several benefits of using .mobi; developers can access tools that rate Web sites on whether mobile users will navigate them with ease and the changes needed”, said Francesco Cetraro, dotMobi manager for business development and sales, quoted by Computerworld.

He added that the purpose of expanding the mobile format in African countries was to offer a better mobile experience for users.

“We are willing to work with country code Top Level Domain managers in Africa to offer .mobi; we are not competing, we provide improved mobile user experience,” he added.

The ICANN conference, currently being held in Nairobi, Kenya, hosts presentations and discussions from dotMobi, the World Wide Web Consortium and Harvard Law School, showcasing opportunities available for developers and Internet businesses.


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